Nqobile Rachel Ncube, founder of Women at the Threshing Floor (WATTF) since March 2007, empowers women monthly. Recognized as an openminded communicator, she serves as a public speaker, philanthropist, and counselor, mentoring a diverse group of women. Her belief: practical solutions to spiritual and social challenges begin with wise, godly women, fostering positive change in communities.
Outreach & Music
Serving (Volunteerism)
Guest Management
Pastoral Care
One of the ways women are built and made relevant in their land is through serving others. WATTF’s operations are fulfilled by some of the WATTF ladies who have chosen to collaborate with their time, talent and resources to see WATTF sessions successful run monthly. The collaboration is in the form of catering, decoration, marketing and multimedia, the worship team, and preparing and distribution of gifts to outreach beneficiaries. In this form of serving, a woman’s character is being practically built through learning how to love, to be kind, to communicate well and to care where necessary when interacting in their diverse lives.
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